'꽃 피는 나무는 자기 몸으로 꽃 피는 나무이다'
(The Flowering Tree)
7"x9" | Graphite on paper | 2014
Private Collection
11.5"x16" | Graphite on paper | 2015
'Study of Oulida'
9"x13" | Graphite and watercolor on paper | 2015
'시나브로 (Sinavro)'
11.5"x17" | Graphite and watercolor on paper | 2014
'Study of Dokebi Light'
16"x11" | Graphite and watercolor on paper | 2015
'The Right Thing to Do'
24"x24" | Graphite and ink on paper and mat board | 2015
14"x16" | Graphite and watercolor on paper | 2014
'Lovely Bloodflow'
7"x11" | Graphite on paper | 2015
15"x18" | Graphite, thread, pistil and gouache crystal on paper | 2015
Private Collecion
'Truth Serum'
14"x16" | Graphite and acrylic on paper | 2014